Heads or Tails?

Welcome to that land of nothing that happens here, leaves here. Ah yes. I usually am braced to see what happens – so many unexpected things, from the sexy to the musical to the foodie side of things.

“Do you have our coin? The one I gave you for travel,” she asks pointedly.

“Yes, yes I do,” I say. I pull it out of my suitcase and hand it to her, all shiny.

“Ah, thanks.”

She walks away.

“Um, what’s up?” I ask.

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Games of Chance

I love a good game of chance. At least, in theory, I love a good game of chance. But it’s like impact play, really. It’s really hot to think about it. I don’t actually know why that is. But, then when the time approaches, I get very nervous and if I wasn’t careful, would excusify my way out of it happening. Then of course when it’s happening, well… instantly after, just… wow. Too many levels to unpack right this instant.

close up photo of a wooden roulette
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

There’s just a lot wrapped up in that.

These games of chance with Charmer are similar. I love the idea. I love the thought of totally random, unplanned games that can be everything from fun to super challenging.

When she walked out that morning and put down the dice, getting her tea, I pretended I didn’t see it. There simply wasn’t any other reason to wander out first thing in the morning with a D&D die – and I was now in that nervous stage, wondering what was up.

[Charmer: Ha. I wanted you to see it and wonder…]

Maybe if I ignore it, she’ll forget? Ha!

Continue reading “Games of Chance”

Just Hanging Out On The Edge…

One of Charmer’s favorite games to play are edging and denial-type games…that, of course, she makes the rules on.

And she’s quite the master at riding on that proverbial third rail, keeping things (er, me) just there, on edge. I have seen her maintain several in a row with less than 20 strokes between them, straight in succession. Well… “seen” is the wrong word. More like “experienced her… maintaining…”

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The Fantasy Quota

“Here you go…” she says, handing me a dice. The 4-sided die rattles around in my hand. I was just sitting here passing the time on one of our favorite shows and she walks in and hands me this.

“What’s up,” I ask. Not knowing if I really want to know. The answer on gaming stuff like this is usually some strange setup that puts me at a, well, disadvantage, to put it lightly.

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S is for Scrabble

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a poll on Twitter asking about starting a new game. I asked if I should do another Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, CAH or a new game. While the poll results did appear to be tied at 35.3% for both a new one and Scrabble, they were skewed by a mistaken vote for Trivial Pursuit that I was asked to change.

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