As I mentioned on Twitter, work got crazy right after we got back from Las Vegas so I had to postpone the game for a little bit. It still hasn’t eased up and I don’t see that happening for the near future so I decided that we need the game to carve out a little time for us.
So far he has completed 3/3 tasks that he’s been given. There are 5 to go including today. He rolled a 4 for completing the first task, which was writing 6 things that you would be surprised to know about me on his Twitter timeline.

He picked these letters and as you can see there is no L which is his goal letter.
The second task was to post a picture of himself on his Twitter timeline and he rolled a 3 after the did that.
He picked these 3 letters….still no L.

He did give me my bonus backrub last night so he’ll get to roll tonight. Maybe luck will be on his side and he’ll get a higher roll and at least one L.
*He’s been accusing me of removing all of the L’s–like I didn’t already game it enough that I would have to do that!*
Today he has to clean windows naked if he wants to roll tomorrow. You do all want to see a picture of that right?
I will keep you posted on his progress. Or is it lack of progress? Either way, I think I have this game won.
Yes, we do want to see that! lol. Poor Snake!