Category Archives: Fiction?

10s Rule (Part II)

Read Part I here.

We’re less than a few minutes into this and I can feel that it’s this accumulation thing that is going on. I can tell it’s going to get harder and harder to keep my head straight, especially with the 10s break rule. It’s not a very long time, and I can already tell you that the internal… squeeze is going to get to the point where it’s not enough time to reset.

In fact, now only about 4 minutes in, we’re at that point.

Every edge we hit, I’m struggling to get back under control before things start up again, either by your hand (which, of course, is never late) or mine. Mine requires my head and body to get their respective shit together and recover… in 10s.

Continue reading 10s Rule (Part II)

10s Rule

“Could you please unlock your phone and give it to me? I need to borrow it… ”

Seems pretty odd, you have your phone in your hand literally as we speak. But I hand over my phone and look at you with that inquisitive look of “what’s up?”

You tap away a bit, then smile. “There,” you say.

“Where?” I ask. I clearly don’t understand.

You look up and grin. “I know how much you love me edging you. And I know how much I love watching you edge yourself. I also know how much you hate… performing for me. But, alas, that sounds like a YOU problem.”

Continue reading 10s Rule

Tinted Windows

Take my car today, please…” she says. “I may have some donation stuff and I want to get it into the back of your truck so you can take it over after work.” Silly me, I didn’t think much of it, but that it seemed out of nowhere.

Someday, someday I hope I’ll flip on that “something is not right here…” switch and at least be able to pick up on things when a game is afoot. Today… is not that day.

Continue reading Tinted Windows

You’re Going to Have to Work for It…

I’m feeling really lazy, and like, well, switching things up,” you tell me. “And besides, I like to watch you. So… here’s the deal. You get to cum!

I smile. Then my brain kicks back in and I realize there must be a catch. There’s always a catch. Some weird twist on things or some other tweak you’re putting in the mix.

I’m not wrong.

Continue reading You’re Going to Have to Work for It…