Games Within Games

You’ve chosen to edge yourself for an extra Scrabble tile. Well, it’s only 10 and that really not all that challenging. So, what’s Charmer to do to make it more interesting?

Photo by Jackson David on

That mirror looks fun. And knowing how uncomfortable it makes you just to have me watch you…. Just think of how you’ll be squirming to have to watch yourself.

I get out of the tub and tell you that it’s time to unlock so you can earn the tile. You do that and come back to the couch where I’m sitting.

“Oh, not here,” I smile. I take your hand and pull you back to the bedroom, pointing to the floor next to the bed. You sit down, confused, and wait for further instructions.

“See that mirror in front of you? You will keep your eyes open and on yourself the entire time you are edging. You’ll earn the tile if you do 10 that way,” I say. “But, if you close your eyes or look away? No extra tile for you.”

You look at me, trying to tell if I’m serious. “Yes, I am serious. Of course, you can decide not to take the offer and I’ll just take an extra tile from you since you already asked for this opportunity.”

Knowing that you need more tiles to win, I know you won’t quit now. I sit down to the front and side so I don’t obstruct your view. You groan, look at the mirror and begin…

8 thoughts on “Games Within Games”

  1. ugh…just ugh..Snake now I feel your pain buddy!

    “See that mirror in front of you? You will keep your eyes open and on yourself the entire time you are edging. You’ll earn the tile if you do 10 that way,” I say. “But, if you close your eyes or look away? No extra tile for you.”

    I think one of the most beautiful amazing things is to watch a woman masturbate. However, I have done it only once with someone watching me and it makes me more than squirm. It takes a long time to get out of my head that I am being watched and all the thoughts and emotions that accompany that knowledge. I couldn’t imagine having to watch myself. I don’t think I could do it honestly. Who knows. It’s funny how one person can’t take pain and other person’s struggle is more mental.

    I’m conflicted now. I was so enjoying the evil part of me saying “bwahaha get it Charmer” now I may end up rooting for the poor guy to win. hahaha


  2. MrsL still will not use this little punishment on me. She doesn’t want me masturbating at all, even if she watches and directs. I keep telling her how incredibly embarrassing it would be so maybe I should have her read this post?

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