Breakfast in Bed

You headed out to bring back breakfast while I finished getting ready. We wanted to do some poking around the small shops that we had seen when we were driving in the previous night and grab lunch at a bistro we’d heard about.

Image of Haiku, nude, leaning in chair, facing away from the camera with light obscuring their face and torso and bare butt facing the camera for Masturbation Monday prompt
Photo by Haiku (@19Syllables)

I realized that I could see the parking lot from our window so I would know when you were on your way up. And that if I opened the curtains, you might be able to see me too.

I stripped and leaned against the back of the chair, waiting for you to get back. The sun was bright and warm and it looked like it was going to be a perfect day.

I see the car pulling in the parking lot and open the window. You are concentrating on getting everything out of the car without spilling it, putting the coffees on the top of the car while you grabbed the bag.

I call down to you, making sure that you have a clear view of me. Naked. In the window. You look up and almost drop the bag. And look around. The parking lot is empty right now so you look back up and grin.

You start to head towards me and I call back, “You forgot to close the door. And the coffees.” You look confused for a second and then turn around. The car door is still open and the coffees are still on the top of the car. Shaking your head, you close the door and grab the coffees.

“Thank you–see you soon!” I shout down. You look up and realize that someone is coming out of the front door of the inn. As he steps out, he hears my voice and starts to look up. Just as I step just slightly out of view, you give me a look.

You get up the stairs and cautiously open the door. I am sitting on the chair in view of anyone who might be walking by. You step in quickly and close the door behind you.

I laugh and head to the bed. “Breakfast in bed sounds nice, don’t you think?” I ask. “And then maybe we’ll have some food too…”

36 thoughts on “Breakfast in Bed”

  1. Nice. A fun, shared, intimate moment in, essentially, public – but without anyone else being party to it. There’s something really lovely about that.

  2. Pingback: Elust 127 - Elust

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