This was our first time ever visiting any part of South America. Yes, it is technically about as far on the edge as possible, but we went on a walking tour and it was an absolutely beautiful city.
Continue reading CartagenaCategory Archives: Uncategorized
M is for Musing
It’s that time of year when it seems like people tend to look at the past and try to figure out where they want to go next.
Continue reading M is for MusingL is for Lightning
We are in the midst of our summer monsoons. While the rain is needed and brings some cooler temperatures, the lightning is the star of the show.
Continue reading L is for LightningN is for Not a Word
There is a single light on the in bedroom as you walk in. It is dim and casts shadows on the walls and ceiling. You can’t really see me and start to turn on the overhead light.
Continue reading N is for Not a WordS is for Scones
I started plotting my MMM and couldn’t get off the thought of whipped cream. I’m sure that the shake that I watched Snake drink the other night didn’t help, plus I was plotting whipped cream for the berries for dinner tonight.
Continue reading S is for SconesW is for Wedding
As usual, I went looking for a quote to use for this post. What I found is that a lot of the “new beginning” quotes just don’t feel quite right this year.
Continue reading W is for WeddingT is for Thunder
I have a mostly bad relationship with thunderstorms. This is new in the past 7 or 8 years because before that, I always loved watching the lightning dance across the sky.
Continue reading T is for ThunderT is for Trust
I’ve written before that I tend to trust more than mistrust when I first meet people. I’m sure that it came from growing up in a household where we trusted each other and respected each other. Trust came with love.
Continue reading T is for TrustB…is for Black
The day is done, all sorts of things accomplished. She vanishes to head to bed, get ready do all the normal things of bedtime…
Continue reading B…is for BlackBoobday – Lace and Light
Today is boobday – Friday – and we’re here to share… well, Charmer is here to share. 🙂
Continue reading Boobday – Lace and LightCharmer’s Take on Only the Good Die Young
I admit that this was the first song that I thought to write about with this prompt. And then I tried to think of another because it was one of my first anthems and I figured that I must have moved past that by now. And started spinning and asked Snake what song told about me and guess what he said? Yup.
Continue reading Charmer’s Take on Only the Good Die YoungI Like Your Style
We were in Vegas, wandering and doing things you do in Vegas. If there’s one thing being with Charmer has taught me, it is that you do the things when they present themselves, because you both never know what you’ll really like, and never know when you might have the chance again in the future.
Continue reading I Like Your StyleElust – Fabulous, Sexy Writings from Around the Web
Photo courtesy of Submissy
Welcome to Elust 127–
The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #128? Start with the rules, come back March 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~
My Racial Identity and My Rainbow Cunt
~ Featured Posts by our Guest Editor (May More’s Picks) ~
I don’t read as much erotica as other sex bloggers. But if I did this is the kind I would be reading.
Weathering the Winter of Low Libido-land
Mrs Fever once again tackles a serious topic with a certain amount of humour and in her very readable yet inimitable style.
Want to be a Guest Editor? Send me an email at
Continue reading Elust – Fabulous, Sexy Writings from Around the Web
SoSS 19
Hope you had a sexy and fun week–here are some of the writings and images that we really liked!
Continue reading SoSS 19SoSS 13
Things are pretty much back to normal shenanigans in the Snake Den–hope the first full week of January has been good to you! Here are some fun images and words to brighten your weekend.
Continue reading SoSS 13Hot and Sexy Reads for the Fire – Bawdy Bells 10

Photo courtesy of Focused and Filthy
Welcome to Elust 125–
The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #125? Start with the rules, come back January 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~
~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~
Observing a Sex blogger or Two by Mr More
The cutie pie and the sex toy, Part 2
Erotic Fiction
Lelia, Interrupted
The Flight
Helping Hand (a Husband’s Fantasy)
The Sexual Torture Wave
Room 26 – Pearce (A Life of Pleasure Part 2)
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
That Little Click
Learning to Be Friends Again
5 Reasons Why Unsolicited Dick Pics Aren’t Ok
My partner is FB official with my metamour
Body Talk & Sexual Health
You Like That, Don’t You? -A Submissive’s Str
Erotic Non-Fiction
The Bodyguard, Part I
A Dirty Treat
Sex News, Opinion, Interviews, Politics & Humor
5 Countries Where Sex Toys Are Illegal
Mainstream Chastity?
Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish
Submissive Training is it necessary?
Cum tribute me
Plan your multitasking…
Spam bot or sex worker?
Books and Movies
Winter Flannel… sort of. (Bawdy Bells 9)
Today’s contribution to Bawdy Bells is a bit of a flash, a bit of a winter fashion (I mean, who doesn’t love seeing his flannel on her, no matter who your “his” and “her” are!) and amazing wishes.
Continue reading Winter Flannel… sort of. (Bawdy Bells 9)A Dream So Real (Bawdy Bells 8)
It was one of those dreams that is so real, so … amazing. You just want it to go on forever. I can feel your hands on me. Feel your breath on my neck. Feel your grip on me.
Continue reading A Dream So Real (Bawdy Bells 8)Candles, Moonlight and Boobs
There’s not so much to say about today’s Boobday prompted picture… well, I’m sure someone will have something to say, but …
Continue reading Candles, Moonlight and BoobsWe Interrupt the Usual Writing For…
We are traveling super early today so you are just getting a Titty Tuesday photo….
Continue reading We Interrupt the Usual Writing For…Take My Breath Away
We sit across from each other, wine glass in hand, fireplace glowing. The lounge is buzzing with activity but we are in our own world. Talking, laughing, just enjoying each other.
Continue reading Take My Breath AwayWhat’s Love Got to Do With It?
You are strapped to the bed, spread eagle, as I walk around you, admiring my work. You are watching me, silently, knowing that the time for talking is over.
Continue reading What’s Love Got to Do With It?My Way
Today marks 10 years since my mom died. It weirdly seems like it was yesterday and like it was so much longer ago. Life goes on and we keep going and it’s strange that she hasn’t been here to see things unfold.
Continue reading My WayMovies and TV and Plays, Oh My!
I started writing this post on Sunday for a completely different reason but trashed it because I couldn’t come up with a raison d’etre. See? I can be fancy.
Continue reading Movies and TV and Plays, Oh My!#F4TFriday–What I Want to Be When I Grow Up
You know those memes where you do a quiz to find out which X you are in a movie/TV show/book, etc.? One of the ones that I’ve talked to friends about several times is Grease.
Continue reading #F4TFriday–What I Want to Be When I Grow Up