December 31st–the celebrations will be different this year. Smaller and with the memories of 2020 still in the front of our minds.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #12 — N is for New YearTag Archives: Bawdy Bells
C is for Chaos
In the middle of January 2020, I wrote this post that listed my priorities for the year. A lot hasn’t changed–I still struggle with priorities and I still am pretty much an all or nothing kind of person.
Continue reading C is for ChaosBawdy Bells #11 — E is for Edits
A little red, a little vignette, a little soften…
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #11 — E is for EditsBawdy Bells #10 — A is for After
Another Christmas is done. And while normally I would go out shopping for wrapping paper and bows and ribbon, this year will be different. No being crazy getting into unnecessary crowds for a bargain.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #10 — A is for AfterBawdy Bells #9 — B is for Burst
Nothing is more fun than taking in the sights of the lights on the Christmas tree…in lingerie, of course!
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #9 — B is for BurstBawdy Bell #8 — S is for Stocking(s)
I rarely wear stockings. I think most of that comes from living in a place where it is hot 3/4 of the year. It is hard to want to put on stockings when it is 105 outside.
Continue reading Bawdy Bell #8 — S is for Stocking(s)Bawdy Bells #7 — F is for Family
2020 has been quite a year. No one could have anticipated the changes in the world that would come three months after the year started. And holidays are different for so many people this year.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #7 — F is for FamilyBawdy Bells #6 — T is for TSO
Trans-Siberian Orchestra is Christmas in the Snake household. Most people have heard Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 even if they don’t know it–it is probably the most used song for synchronizing Christmas lights on houses.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #6 — T is for TSOBawdy Bells #5 — M is for (The) Morning After
I stretch, snuggling into you, feeling every inch of your legs against mine.
I can also feel my body waking, realizing just what’s happened, what we experienced.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #5 — M is for (The) Morning AfterBawdy Bells #4 — H is for Hat
Even Mrs. Claus needs to take a break now and then….
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #4 — H is for HatBawdy Bells #3 — C is for Cats
We have 2 cats. Technically, one thinks that she’s a dog, so we call her a dat. She plays fetch and is definitely a bit of a klutz.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #3 — C is for CatsBawdy Bells #2 — G is for Green
Red and green just seem to say Christmas so I thought I’d try a wee bit of green…
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #2 — G is for GreenBawdy Bells #1 — R is for Red…
When I think bawdy, red tends to come to mind as a color.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells #1 — R is for Red…Bawdy Bells 2020
Welcome to Bawdy Bells!
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 2020Bawdy Bells 13 — A Year in Pictures
On the last day of the year, we thought we would do a recap of the favorite pictures by popularity for each of the months. So, without further ado…
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 13 — A Year in PicturesBawdy Bells 11 — Blanket Fort
Sometimes, when the holidays get to be too much, you just need to build an old-fashioned blanket fort and hide away….
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 11 — Blanket FortA Dream So Real (Bawdy Bells 8)
It was one of those dreams that is so real, so … amazing. You just want it to go on forever. I can feel your hands on me. Feel your breath on my neck. Feel your grip on me.
Continue reading A Dream So Real (Bawdy Bells 8)Sinful Sunday… Best is yet to come… (and Bawdy Bells 7)
It’s almost the end of the year, end of the decade, so many things that offer a chance to reminisce. But it’s even more important to look forward – think about the things left to be done, things to try, things to experience.
Continue reading Sinful Sunday… Best is yet to come… (and Bawdy Bells 7)SoSS 11 — AKA Bawdy Bells 6
With this crazy time of the year, take a little time for yourself and enjoy these images and writings that we loved this week.
Continue reading SoSS 11 — AKA Bawdy Bells 6Bawdy Bells 5 — Lies?
The Christmas piece of this prompt never really applied to me. Yes, we put out cookies and milk for Santa and got a gift on Christmas morning. And, yes, I was told when I questioned if he was “real,” that only kids who believe got gifts from him. But, it was always more of an embodiment of the magic of Christmas rather than a person so it never felt deceitful to me.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 5 — Lies?Bawdy Bells 4 — Charmer is Always Right
“The party starts at 7,” you say, pointedly looking at me. I am currently on the bed, tea in hand and naked.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 4 — Charmer is Always RightBawdy Bells 3 – Naughty or Nice… well, duh.
Meeting me at the door with the mistletoe held over your head and that grin – priceless. The fact that you’re dressed in a sleek black lacy bit of lingerie – just adds to the effect. I just about drop everything right there, but the door hasn’t even closed behind me.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 3 – Naughty or Nice… well, duh.Bawdy Bells 2 — You Forgot These
Isn’t that always the case? You are decorating and think everything is done and then you see one last thing you forgot.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 2 — You Forgot TheseBawdy Bells 1 – A little ‘claus
Kicking things off – “things” being just having a little fun with the season – join in!
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 1 – A little ‘clausBawdy Bells 2019
Welcome to Bawdy Bells!
This is a completely informal meme, meant to run the from the 16th to the 31st of December. A picture, a post, an experience – sharing in the spirit of the season, whatever that may mean to you.
Continue reading Bawdy Bells 2019