Yes, moo. Lol. I was thinking about what song to write about today and I looked through several of my favorites–thanks, Snake, for making me try to come up with three favorites. I can’t come up with three. Music is totally dependent on my mood and I go from country to rock to show tunes to pop and all roads in the middle.
Continue reading Moo with MeTag Archives: blogging
The “Why” of Blogging
I’ve always been a writer. I was the kid who wrote stories on summer break when I wasn’t reading them. I majored in journalism and have done a great deal of technical writing in my job. So, what is the difference when I blog?
Continue reading The “Why” of BloggingWeird How We Recall Scenes, D/s
I spent a lot of time driving over the weekend, and between music in the headphones and the road, my mind was multi-tasking and thinking about how I remember different… sessions. I realized as I thought back over these times that one thing kept coming up. Sound.
Continue reading Weird How We Recall Scenes, D/s