
By the time they had arrived at the resort, it was late. Delays and a missed flight had exhausted them and they had gone to bed as soon as they arrived.

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Photo by Iulian Sandu on

It wasn’t the best start to their anniversary trip, but they still had a week of sun, sand and water to enjoy before heading back to reality. She stretched as she slowly woke up, his arm draped across her side.

The sun was peeking around the blackout curtains and she scooted out from under his arm, trying not to wake him up. She went to the bathroom and tried to peek out the window, but it was too high to see anything but blue sky.

Exiting the bathroom, he had turned over but was still sleeping. She slid behind the curtains to keep the light out and opened the door quietly. Stepping out onto their balcony, the view took her breath away.

They were surrounded by water as far as she could see. The hotel jutted out onto a tiny peninsula and gave the illusion of floating over the ocean. The waves were gently cresting and breaking on the beach below her and there were a few couples here and there scattered on the beach. It was an idyllic setting.

Her stomach rumbling broke the peace. She sighed and decided it was time to find out where they could grab some breakfast. Taking one last look at the view, she ducked through the curtains again. He was still in the same spot, sleeping.

She felt bad waking him up but she also knew the time between hungry and hangry weren’t that far apart. She walked over to the bed, leaned down to kiss him and suddenly found herself on the bed, him over her and grinning.

She laughed as he kissed her. “I guess I wasn’t that quiet after all, huh?”

“I was already awake and waiting for you,” he answered. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Room service,” a voice called out.

He kissed her again. “Plus, I know you. You must be starving since we ended up eating cheese and crackers for dinner. So, breakfast is here.” He got up to open the door to a waiter and wonderful smells.

As they began eating, she smiled at him. “This is going to be an amazing trip. And another amazing memory of our love story.”

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