Water rushed by as the boat roared towards the island. Each bump as they hit a wave made her feel giddy.

Looking back over her shoulder, he was grinning as he piloted the boat closer to the shore. It appeared that the wild ride was making him just as excited as she was. Turning back to the front, she saw the small dock that the rental guy had told them to look for.
He slowed to a crawl and then stopped, letting the current draw the boat closer. She jumped off and tied it to the dock. The waves were slapping against the dock and she stripped off her shirt and shorts quickly, tossing them into the boat.
He grabbed the picnic basket and cooler and followed her to the beach. There was a small cabana that offered some shade from the sun. Placing them on the table, he opened the cooler and grabbed her a drink.
She shook her head. “Water first! It looks gorgeous and I can’t wait to snorkel.” She put on the mask she had taken from the boat and headed to the water. He popped open a beer and watched her slide into the water.
Looking at her ass sticking up out of the water, he grinned. “It really is a gorgeous view.”
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