M is for Massachusetts

We made it to Boston! And as of this writing, we visited Salem too. We definitely didn’t “do” either one, but did enough that we know that we want to return when we can.

We walked most of the Freedom Trail, went to the ironically named Carrie Nation speakeasy, went on a night traipse of historic haunted sites and ate at Warren Tavern in Boston.

Drove along the coast and saw the biggest shells that I’ve ever seen on a beach at Lynn. Visited a lot of the historic sites in Salem, ate some amazing food at a really cool pub and again walked around at night on a ghost tour.

Where’s next? We’ll keep you posted. And between sites and food–definitely saying “Mmm,” quite a bit. Oh–also working on the O goal for me. Mmm……


4 Replies to “M is for Massachusetts”

  1. You went to Cheers! So much fun! I hope you make it to Cape Cod. Even in winter, it’s a sight to behold. Salem is amazing! Glad to see you’re having a great time!

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