I am impulsive. I usually use the term spontaneous because it sounds more fun and less chaotic, but there’s a reason why I can’t play any DnD character who isn’t chaotic.
It’s not like I spend my life bouncing around and we do appear to be settled and in control by most people who know us. And we are.
I dislike making decisions. I don’t do pros and cons well and I just want to move on with it. I found this quote and accompanying picture on a horoscope site about things to know about Scorpios:
While it may get us in to trouble, Scorpios are impulsive decision makers.

Me. It just is.
On the positive side, most of the time, I actually do make the right decision. On the negative side, there’s no track record for how to make the next one since it is pure instinct usually.
My biggest issue with impulsiveness actually tends to be my mouth. I am the person who blurts out, “That’s bullshit,” or something else not very diplomatic if I get angry. Yes, that quote actually came out of my mouth while on a business call that I wasn’t supposed to be speaking on. It slipped out and there I was suddenly part of the call. Snake was not amused.
There is a set of in laws that we have to see from time to time. They are horrible people. We avoid them as much as possible but there are times when we have to interact. Let’s just say that my face does not have an inside voice. I’m usually able to contain the words, but the look says it all.
Even with the inconsistencies and occasional blurts, I think my impulsive side actually is one of Snake’s favorites. It is also the side that decided to go ziplining for the first time RIGHT NOW. Or the one that shows up in lingerie while he is working. Or take random pictures and send them to him.
I happened to find this quote–he’s another Scorpio–and thought it fit too.
I act on impulse and I go with my instincts.
Gordon Ramsay
Considering how successful he’s been, maybe I’ll just hold on to my impulsive nature and see where it takes me (us).

“Let’s just say that my face does not have an inside voice. I’m usually able to contain the words, but the look says it all.”
Haha this made me laugh. I always say I don’t have a poker face, because from my face you can see EXACTLY what I want to say 😉
Indeed keep on to your impulsive/spontaneous side and have fun!
~ Marie xox
I can play poker as long as no one is talking 🤣
I love my impulsive side
Lol i can image u blurting out “bullshit” how funny – i expected u were a forthright person
May x
It was so me 🤣
. Let’s just say that my face does not have an inside voice. I’m usually able to contain the words, but the look says it all.
Oh my goodness, this could be me (except I’m an aries, so equally impulsive, but a lot more chaotic???)
Impulsivity makes the world go round. How boring it would be if we all stayed safe in our bubbles!!!!
It would be so boring!
Scorpios do not make decisions impulsively, but very quickly guided by intuition, which is concentrated knowledge on a subconscious level.
Sometimes the first thought is the right one.