The Jett is a very intriguing toy. I must admit, most of the time, bullet-type vibrators are just… meh. This was described on a few sites that Charmer and I had seen, so we wanted to see if it was different. It’s also a toy for “him” and, well, not a stroker-type toy.
The Concept
It’s a vibrator-type toy and it has the two bullets – but they do their thing in different ways. one is a more rumbly-type of bullet, the other is a more frisky, rapid type of vibration. They refer to this on the packaging and site as “Bass” and “Treble” respectively.
The idea is that they vibrate at variable, adjustable speeds, but more importantly, differently from one another. They can play off each other, so to speak, at certain frequencies. The effect is said to be… intensely fun.
The Unboxing

The Jett comes in a squarish box – it includes a controller, the two bullets (Bass and Treble), a silicone, 3-opening “band” and, well, that’s about it. Instructions of course, but essentially (and accurately) most of the instructions are of the “it does things differently; experiment” variety.
The band is well made, pliable, firm and flexible enough. You press the bullets into each of the smaller openings, and the penis owner gets to occupy the final opening. It’s flexible, suitable for most, I would think. It does, however, also make for quite a cock-ring of sorts.
The packaging overall isn’t anything to write home about – no velvet pouch or well-made box with inserts – more like a plastic shell inside – but no complaints, you won’t keep it there for long.
In Use
I admit the bullets seemed like fairly typical bullets. Yes, sure, sounded and felt a bit different from one another, but I was getting doubtful about the whole “playing off each other” thing.
On the box, it says that it takes you from flaccid to… not. And this is a pretty important point. The loop that you’re putting the cock into will have a much easier time starting out not yet fully-engaged. That loop can be… snug if you’re fully erect.
When we first started with it, it seemed docile. Part of that was Charmer, at the controls of course, was experimenting with the bullets (they have different, independent controls) and it never really had a chance to get established. There was a lot of “how’s that?” and me going “somewhere in the middle there was… different” and us trying to figure out how to get to that.
But then she started exploring with one (usually bass) full-on and playing with the Treble up and down to see if they interacted or played off each other. As she went up through the stops, there were times when the harmonics were just so… just so that they played off each other and things got really interesting, really fast.
She said I “reacted” to the treble more (fidgeting), but responded (bodily I suppose) to the bass, but having them both, at just the right points (there were multiple combinations that worked) and I was sold on the whole “this truly is a different toy, designed specifically for this, and damn it feels unlike anything I’ve ever felt before…” thing.
She was having a lot of fun driving, too. The controls are quick enough to respond that she was sitting there, hands-free, edging me with this damn toy with these super-fast, then nothing edges. Up, down, up, down. She’d hit the spot, hold it, I’d warn, it would stop and I’d be catching my breath, only to have it start up all over again.
I was climbing the walls and really, really wanted to take away the controls to finish the deal.
She was having none of that. She was not only able to edge, but ruin with this thing. Now that’s control.
So yes. The bullets play off each other. The experience, sensations, and fun with the controller (and opportunities for hands-free, be they yours or someone else’s) are extraordinary. The experience was truly unique and very intense.
Last Notes
At first, we weren’t clear about where the band should go on me. I moved it up and down a bit for positioning. It says on the package that the frenulum is where it’s at, it’s right. Even with the PA in, no issues.
But, in moving it around (wanted to know what it felt like at the base, like a cock-ring, essentially) has left me with a very ugly set of bruises in places where no one likes bruises. I assume it’s because the band is tight enough that dragging it up and down an erection popped a few blood vessels and such, but… yeah. Don’t do that. Put it where it needs to be while you’re flaccid and leave it alone until you can get it off easily again. Let it do the work.
I struggle with stroker-type stuff. I do. I WANT to like them. They’re fun to play with from time to time, they just are not a go-to type of torture play thing for me.
Jett, on the other hand, is quite easily a no-brainer recommendation. This was a blast to play with, I can imagine on your own, or with a partner, and the possibilities of everything from denial to simply playing and controlling the situation to just going for it… all supported here.
I highly recommend taking a look.
About this Review
We were NOT given this toy to review. We bought it. These are NOT affiliate links. They’re just straight-up links. While we do reviews by request sometimes, this is just a toy that we’ve tried and really enjoyed.
More Information
Hot Octopuss Jett – Guyvibrator – check it out, and grab one. Tell ’em sent you, and that we said “Thanks for Jett.” 🙂

Reading your review, it seemed to me that it was not sex, but a game and experiments. I hope it was fun.