She had been trying to get to the bookstore all week before it closed, but life seemed to be conspiring against her. Between a couple of last-minute phone calls at work and surprise drinks with a friend who had just broken up with her boyfriend, it had been a crazy week.

She opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Now, hopefully, the new book by her favorite author was in stock. She headed toward the new book section and started looking for the author’s last name.
She realized that it would be behind her and turned. There was a guy standing right in front of the section. “Excuse me,” she started.
He turned around. “Jen?”
“Felix? What are you doing here?”
He closed the cover of the book he had been looking through. “I’ve been waiting for this to come out. I’ve read the other two and can’t wait to see how the trilogy ends.” It was the book she had been looking for.
“That’s the one I’m looking for! I didn’t know you liked her.”
He laughed. “It’s not like we talk much about anything but work.”
It was true. He wasn’t really her “type.” Not that her type had really ended with any long-term relationships. Maybe she needed a new type.
“Maybe we need to change that,” she said. “A small book club might be fun. You know, two people who like the same author meeting for coffee and dissecting the plot.” Please don’t laugh at me, she thought silently.
He seemed to ponder. Was he in a relationship? “That could work,” he said. He handed her another copy of the book. “But, I don’t drink coffee. Tea, but not coffee.”
“Really? Me too!” she exclaimed. “There’s a great place on Stone..”
“Tea for Two? It’s my favorite place,” he interrupted.
“Well, I guess we need to get home and start reading. When do you want to meet?”
He smiled. “How about now? We could start it together. It seems like we have a lot in common.”
Her stomach did a little flip. “Right now is perfect.”

This is such a sweet tale. And what better way than to connect over a book!