S is for Snow

As they checked into the hotel for their weekend getaway, the snow started falling. It was light and fluffy and stuck to her hair for a second before melting away.

snow fall during winter
Photo by Utku Meydan on Pexels.com

“I’m glad I brought heavier clothes for the weekend,” he said as they ducked into the lobby. “It’s going to be chilly by morning.”

She smiled at him but said nothing. They were given the key to their room and went upstairs in the elevator. “Do you think there’s a place nearby to eat?” he asked her.

“Mmm, I don’t know.”

They arrived at their floor and he tapped the keycard on the lock. Opening the door, he stepped inside and gasped. Before him were huge windows overlooking the square and a huge living room.

“This doesn’t look like the room you showed me. I think they made a mistake.”

She shook her head. “I had a lot of points on my credit card and got the upgrade to here for free.” She took his hand and pulled him into the bedroom. If the living room was spectacular, the bedroom was even more so. The same view was out the window and there was a huge jacuzzi tub big enough for the two of them with a view of the window.

While he looked out the window, she went back to the living room and returned with a chilled bottle of wine and a charcuterie tray. “Compliments of the hotel,” she said.

He shook his head at her in amazement. “No wonder you weren’t worried about nearby dinner.”

She smirked a bit. “Wait until you see how ill-prepared I made sure to be for cold weather. Lots of lace and straps. Not a lot of layers. Think you might be able to handle staying in this weekend?”

He came over to kiss her. “I think it’s way too snowy out there to venture out.”

(314 words)

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