Spring has been in full bloom (pun intended) here for over a month. In fact, by the end of May, most of the plants will be holding their collective breath until monsoons hit.
Our spring tends to start in February, although this year saw spring temperatures followed by a freak snow storm. We don’t get snow often, but when we do, it’s cause for excitement and celebration.
We missed our winter rains mostly, as well as a really dry monsoon last summer, so the usual wildflowers didn’t really show up. The good side of that is that the weeds also did not make as much of an appearance this year.
Right now, this is our yard as well as the perfectly blue sky over the mountains. Yes, that one rose bush was cross pollinated and has three different colors of roses on it. It makes me laugh.
Summer is coming sooner here than other places. Of course, that also allows for pool time. Spring is beautiful, but there’s not much better than a little skinny dipping.

Ooooh skinny dipping. To be able to do that again! Love that your rose has three colors. So cool!
~ Marie xox
It really is cool!