I’m going to let you in on a little secret–Snake loves strawberries. Well, most fruit. He also has a fondness for mandarin oranges (Clementines or Cuties) and green frozen grapes.

The first time I realized that he loved strawberries was back in high school when we first started dating. I had strawberry-flavored lip gloss–didn’t we all?
I quickly learned that that flavor was his favorite and wore it whenever we were together. I’m no fool.
Well, life goes on and while I still bought strawberries for him whenever I could find them, the lip gloss just wasn’t something I wore anymore.
Last year for Christmas, I got a tube of strawberry-flavored lip gloss in my stocking. 2020, yada, yada, yada and it didn’t really get used a lot.
But this year? I’m digging out that lip gloss and getting ready for some passionate kisses.

I also love everything strawberry. And strawberry lip gloss is a must have in every woman’s arsenal 🙂 Mmm indeed.
Delicious memories you’ve evoked here. I had lemon lip balm in preference to strawberry but I do remember smelling that sweet strawberry aroma a lot back then. I like Snake’s gentle hint and I hope you guys do get some kissing and petting time, that’s a lovely part of intimacy we tend to forget.
Oh yes for strawberries, and also for passionate kisses 😉
~ Marie
And let it be not only memories, but also new impressions!