One of the things that I (we) have missed most this year is live theatre. We have had season tickets to our local touring company for Broadway shows.

On top of that, we buy tickets for at least a few shows put on by other smaller venues here. We are very fortunate to have good independent companies that showcase local playwrights as well as really unique adaptations of well known plays.
Of course, all of these are put on hold until at least the end of 2021. We will get to see them eventually and I appreciate that they are still planning them even if the dates are extended. I know that it would have been easier to just cancel them.
One of the independent ones here first sold the 2020-2021 tickets totally as virtual events. I bought the tickets and they really are unique plays. Unfortunately, the fact that everyone is acting from their own homes means that the audio and video changes from person to person.
It’s frustrating, but I also would buy them even if I couldn’t see any of them just to support the company.
Another company had tried to reopen with 25% of their usual capacity and it worked for one play and then they shut down because one of their actors got sick. They had a recording from the actual theatre which they streamed. We hadn’t gotten tickets, but I am glad they are being safe and figuring out a way to keep their business going.
So, Charmer, where’s the celebration?
I don’t know how many of you know about National Theatre Live which streams plays from London to movie theatres. We’ve been going to them for years and they are always fabulous performances. We’ve seen things ranging from Shakespeare to adaptations of current books to comedies and it is almost like being there. Obviously you miss a little of the energy, but it is worth it to us. We are serious theatre nerds.
Snake: there is just something about putting it all on the line – the performance, the singing, whatever it is – there’s no hiding when it’s live, on-stage and in-character.
Well, National Theatre has now started a streaming service for home. And we got it over the weekend and watched Othello. Yes, I’ve seen it before. Even this particular one. But there are about 10 others available that we haven’t had a chance to see and that is so exciting. Plus, they are going to change the plays that are available for each month.
I know that not everyone is quite as excited about getting to see plays, but this drama geek is thrilled to be able to see live(ish) theatre again!

Living in the lucky country means that live shows are something we can enjoy here as well, with some adjustments. Back when everything was starting to open again we went to a Shrek based burlesque parody. The creator of the show went to great pains to make sure everyone in the theatre was spaced apart as per the requirements. However there was considerable alcohol consumed and the excitement of seeing a live show and connecting with people we hadn’t seen for such a long time meant that we all ended up clumped together towards the front after the second act began.
The creator/ Shrek was not happy when he came on for his finale. We didn’t care and had a great time!!
Lol! I’m glad you got to see that
I think it’s wonderful that there at least is some way for you to enjoy theater!
~ Marie
It’s better to miss a little than everything.