Yes, this will indeed be more random shit from the wacky brain of Charmer. I was reminded on Facebook that it has been four years since Snake and I danced our awesome routine to White Rabbit. It was a crazy routine and we wore steampunk costumes which were the best. And best of all? My corset stayed up while we did several lifts so my in-laws didn’t die of embarrassment.

So, of course, being me, this made me think of some of my favorite quotes from Alice in Wonderland. For example this one is a perfect depiction of me.
“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”
As much as I fight change in my head, I crave it. I reinvent myself constantly. I might have liked this <insert food, position, book, etc.> yesterday but today it no longer is me. But, I love that I keep finding new and exciting things to try and love or hate. It keeps things interesting and….
“Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures…”
Snake loves going on adventures with me. We plan our next one as soon as the previous one is done. Or sometimes even before that. Travel is one of our favorite things but that also includes recreating our yard and constantly experimenting with “us.”
And sometimes, we don’t know where we will go next.
“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked. ‘Where do you want to go?’ was his response. ‘I don’t know,’ Alice answered. Then, said the cat, ‘It doesn’t matter.'”
We’ll get “stuck” and not sure where we want to go or what is next. But, for us at least, moving is paramount. We might make the wrong move and have to fix something or backtrack, but if we stay in one spot we go crazy. So, while it is nice to know where, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes it is part of the adventure and sometimes it is a big mess that we need to clean up before we start off again.

The next two make me think of play. Sometimes less is more and closing your eyes and just feeling makes time stand still.
“But, I nearly forgot. You must close your eyes. Otherwise… you won’t see anything.”
“Alice: How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.”
But, this one… I have fought against it for a long time. I have been told that I’m a lot, which isn’t usually meant in a positive way.
“You need to be much more… muchier. You’ve lost your muchiness.”
But, it’s me. I love with all of me, I overshare with my friends–and probably here–and I get excited a lot. I’m the friend who laughs too loud and tells dirty jokes that half the room hears.
So, I will keep the muchiness that is me and keep pushing to be muchier.
I definitely enjoy your muchier muchness! 😊
I’m so glad!!!!
and thtis is why i enjoy your blog. putting wonderful thoguhts in writing
keep on being he muchiness that is you and keep pushing to be muchier.
Thank you!