Challenge Day 22

Today’s challenge is all about earning play time for Snake.  First, he needs to procure the last gift certificate that we need for a present and tweet out a pic verifying that it has been purchased.  And second, he has to do some wrapping tonight for gifts for his family.  There are, by my count, 11 to wrap.  And he can only use a maximum of 5 gift bags.  He’ll have to tweet out a pic of the finished work.

The number that he finishes determines how long he gets the honor of giving me O’s.  Yes, it’s very good for me.  But, it’s also very good for him because it raises the ratio and gets him that much closer to his own elusive O.  You’ll have to tune in tomorrow to see how long he earned and how much he raised his ratio by….

Happy Thursday–hope you have some of your own kinky fun today!

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