In the beforetimes (yes, it is a word), we spent a lot of weekend time at restaurants and movies and other activities out of the house.

We still definitely love doing a lot of that when we can, but in the past year we’ve had to adjust that. It started with binging all of the TV shows when everything first shut down. It was a mindless way to shut out what was going on in the world.
After it became obvious that the 30 days wasn’t going to really be 30 days, we realized that we would have to start finding more to do besides watch TV. We’ve done some house projects, but there is only so much time, energy and money for that.
We’ve always done some gaming together. It started with Spyro and such where he would “drive” and I would “navigate.” I’m not the type to play first person shooter games so we stopped mostly for year because that was primarily what was available for consoles. We did play some PC-based games because they were puzzles and mysteries.
One of our favorites had always been Crash Team Racing, but we had moved to the Xbox and it wasn’t available. Until recently. Now we have the updated version with more tracks and bells and whistles and we love it.
So weekends mean some extra gaming time. And time for me to kick his butt as much as possible in the game, while my character yells back, “Coming through…”

At first glance, this occupation seems frivolous and unworthy of adults. But the ability to reduce stress from gaming is more than worth the rest.