I don’t think there’s a fruit that Snake ever met that he didn’t like. And frozen grapes and a perfect strawberry are among his passions.

While I like fruit, it just isn’t my favorite thing like it is for him.
Except for cherries.
I don’t know why exactly. I mean, they are delicious, but so are so many other types of fruit.
They aren’t available–or if they are, they aren’t good–most of the year so they are definitely a hot weather fruit. They seem to be at their best right around July 4th.
But putting one in your mouth, pulling off the stem, rolling it around in your mouth while you clean the pit and then dropping it in the bowl to grab another.
That’s heaven…and damn sexy
mmm cherries are really yum, and I realized now it’s been too long since I last had some!
~ Marie xox
That’s for sure: both sexy and tasty. And how beautiful they are even in the picture!