On the first day of my people who influenced me month, I have to choose Snake. Partly because he’s my person, duh, but also because his birthday is tomorrow.

We’ve been together for a long time. No, I won’t say how long, but we have been together longer in our lives than we weren’t.
He knew right away that “us” was what he wanted. He changed his plans of going directly to work and followed me to college. Good thing since it ended up firing his passion for his professional life.
I took a big longer to decide. Guess who is the romantic and who is the pragmatist? But, in the end, he won me over with his love and just being a wonderful human being.
We’ve been through a lot together. The past year and change, yes, but also illnesses and deaths of parents. We’ve struggled owning our own businesses and had to shut down the first one due to a malicious investor.
We came back stronger and have built a business that allows us an income and the flexibility to also live a life outside of work. And he’s responsible for 95% of that business success.
On top of all of that, he supports every direction that I’ve chosen to go in my life. Some of it was school, some was work-related and others are just goofy hobbies that he’ll listen to me go on about for hours. He wasn’t sure about dance lessons, but he gave it his all and it ended up being a wonderful together activity that we love.
He deals with things that I struggle with, hello, phone calls, as well as never doing less than his share of stuff to keep our life going. He is my rock when things are rough and he is the person who I want to spend my future with.
In short, he makes me a better person by also being a good person. So, happy birthday to my best friend, lover and person. Well, yes, and sub. He’s pretty amazing at that too.
The rose? Listen to Bette Midler and you’ll understand.
Awww. This was sweet.
Happy birthday to Snake.
So much goodness! Two of the most wonderful people I know! I hope you have a great birthday Snake. And of course, snake is also one of the luckiest guys I know.
This is so beautiful! Your love for him shines through in every word, and the strength of your relationship too. Happy birthday to Snake, and yes, The Rose… I understand <3
~ Marie xox
Probably Snake will be pleased to read these words and know that what he has been doing over the years has been properly understood and appreciated.
Happy birthday, Snake.
What a long and enjoyable relationship history. Congratulations to both of you.