Love letters are sweet. They make you feel good and you can put them away and bring them back out again and relive that moment. Everyone likes to hear that someone thinks they are special and important.
That said, I think love actions are much more special and more important. It’s easy, sometimes, to say the words. But, the words have to be followed up with actions that give the words life.
You do not write your life with words. . . You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.
Patrick Ness
It’s the little things that make a love feel real. Remembering silly dates that only matter to the two of you. Bringing home coffee just because. Making plans and sticking to them. Texting with a silly joke that you know will make the other person laugh. And on and on…
Words are from the lips, actions are from the heart
Rashida Costa
So, yes, the words are lovely. And definitely should be said, said often and loudly and written. The more love that is around, in my not-so-humble opinion, the better. But follow them up with that tiny little gesture and the words mean oh so much more.
But…in typical Charmer fashion, I did see this quote too and had to include it just because sometimes, tongues are rather nice.
A tongue doesn’t get things done.
Amit Kalantri
And sometimes just what the job requires….

Our Feb Photo Fest image is a throwback to February 13, 2016. It somehow seemed appropriate.
Something tells me a tongue did get something done in this instance . . . .
(as a complete aside, I’m functionally broken & hate chocolate)
🤣 🤣 🤣
I only like dark chocolate. Like ridic 95%
This made me think of S. He is not a wordsmith and he isn’t very lovey dovey. But he is always doing something or bringing me something that he knows I would like (like coffee 😉). It means so much more to me than saying I love you.
That’s sweet ❤️❤️❤️
Dayummmm that’s H.O.T hot! I am still a fan and miss the days of handwritten love letters. But yes follow it up. You make a woman want to break her diet with that chocolate 😛 And loving the piercings
Might have to try that tonight!
That sounds fun
I like all those quotes you’ve added into this blog post!