SoSS 12

Between travel and holidays and a really annoying bug, the Snake household has been pretty much out of commission for a couple of weeks. Sorry about the skip last week, but we are back on schedule now.

And without further ado, here’s some sexy writings and images for your pleasure…

Sexy Writing

A Light Shines In the Darkness by Mrs. Fever What an absolutely lovely post to start the new year!

Nudge, Nudge by Not So Sex In The City Super sexy writing about morning fun! (Twitter: @notsosexintheci)

Day 2 of the Dominant’s Den: The Power of Positive Touch [Gentle Guidance Series] by Penny Berry While the punishment is often discussed, this is a wonderful piece about the loving side of dominance. (Twitter: @littlepennyber1)

New Year New Experiences by gemmi72 This is a new blog to me–will definitely be reading more. Hot stuff! (Twitter: @swinginggemma)

A motto, why? by Marie A. Rebelle Perfect motto for a new year and new decade! (Twitter: @RebelsNotes)

Toy with Him by Little Gem A fun and super sexy read! (Twitter: @PurplesGem1)

Marked- KOTW by E.L. Byrne Marks are one of my favorite things–this is great. (Twitter: @ELByrne1)

Sexy Images

Kiss my ass by Ouizzi Gorgeous shot–I always love b&w photos! (Twitter: @ouizzi)

Sinful Sunday: From below… by Livvy What a fabulous picture. The details are amazing. (Twitter: @theotherlivvy)

[Photography] The Ache Between Us by Floss Fabulous edit and love the color pop–and always the perfect words to accompany them. (Twitter: @_floss_84)

Cheers by Krystal Minx So much fun with the grapes and the bubbly! (Twitter: @BisexualMinx)

Top SteeledSnake Post of the Week

Bawdy Bells 13 — A Year in Pictures by Charmer (Twitter: @SteelChrmr)

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