The Game – Our Version

If you haven’t yet, it’s a good idea to check out the general game page first.  Click here to read it. 


First, most importantly, the Charmer makes, and modifies, the rules.  She is able to change them, add to them, remove them as she sees fit.

The baseline rules are that points are accrued by activities and challenges and deducted for infractions, challenges that are not attained, and for orgasms.

The essential rule is about orgasm eligibility for Snake.  Snake is not eligible unless over 1750 for the 2 week window. Orgasms have a “cost” as well – as determined by Charmer.  In other words, in the heat of the moment, Charmer may declare “I’ll let you come now, but it’ll cost you 1500 points…” which may likely push off your next eligibility, possibly by quite some time.

Of course Charmer can take an orgasm whenever desired, but can determine costs on those too.  After all, if Snake can resist, there would be no cost.  Orgasms can be determined to be at any cost deemed correct by Charmer, including zero or 1000’s.

Points Examples

All activities are on-the-spot verifiable.  Charmer may, at any time, require a picture proof of plugs in, cages on or any other item.  Request must be fulfilled as soon as practical after acknowledged, picture must be taken and texted.

A “day” is 5a to 5a.

Chastity Cage time –

Cage time, 1 point per hour
DEDUCTION item – For every hour NOT in a cage, 10 points are deducted
(allotments for supervised or authorized breaks)

Butt Stuff

Small Plug      5/hr
Med Plug       15/hr
Large Plug     20/hr
nJoy 2.0       35/hr

Overnight – 20% bonus for prior day’s points for that specific plug.


X-rated pics to Charmer, outside of “verification” pics, 20 points
On-demand pictures as requested, with items/situations as requested, points awarded as indicated when requested/challenged.
Extra Snake Orgasm within 30 minutes of first one, 50 points
On-demand challenges, challenge provided by Charmer, points awarded as indicated when challenged.

Other Things

Charmer Orgasms, 5 points each
Snake Marks by Charmer, 5 points each
Days since last Snake orgasm, 20 points each


There are two modes to the game.  A specific timed game (for example between two dates two weeks apart), and the ongoing game that considers the last 14 days relative to today.  These are called out by Charmer.  For example:

Example 1:

Specific time period.

Start date:   xx/xx/xxxx     End date: xx/xx/xxxx

For this challenge, Snake must edge himself 2 times  in the morning each day during the challenge, performing for Charmer.  This is an “all or nothing” challenge – not partial credit given.

Success: 500 points.  Failure: -1000 points.

Example 2:

See the Memorial Day challenge here.  You can see the results here.

The other mode is the the ongoing point window.  It’s very simple.  You add up the points from the last “X” days.  We use 14 days (2 weeks) and I have to maintain a point value of 1750 to be eligible for any orgasm.   This keeps the game from having extreme highs that carry you for too long (same for lows) as they’ll “bleed off” the 2 week window.  It also incents Snake to stay involved and looking for ways to earn points constantly, rather than in spurts.

The ongoing points mode runs at all times.  The specific time period challenge mode just runs when there are challenges.

Keeping Track:

We use a simple Google worksheet.  Snake puts in the points and keeps track of the totals and such for the challenges and the 2-week window.

Here’s a link to the template.  (select file, make a copy to create your own copy)

Here’s a link to a partial example.  In this example, you can see Snake would not currently be eligible, and you can see that there are a couple of penalties, and an orgasm that cost 1000 points.

While the example only has 14 entries,  I typically just keep adding to the bottom and adjusting the days that the total references.  In other words, I make it include only the last 14 day totals.  It’s fun to see the history though.  You could modify this and add a tab to the workbook if you wanted to and keep the history there.

Snake responsibilities:

a) keep up the points tracking for Charmer
b) make it easy for Charmer to see what points totals are
c) Charmer may not add work to Charmer for managing points.  It’s Snake’s responsibility.

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